The Association for the Ongoing Formation of Priests is a membership association of dioceses, religious communities, and other interested organizations and individuals committed to the Church’s mission to promote and support ongoing formation for priests and presbyterates.
By engaging in dialogue about contemporary pastoral needs and realities, by sponsoring research on issues of presbyteral formation, and by offering educational opportunities, AOFP collaborates with others to foster a culture of formation within the Church for bishops, priests, deacons, and all the Church’s ministers.
In this way AOFP promotes ongoing formation and assists and encourages faithful, healthy, holy and effective ministry in the Church.
The roots of AOFP can be traced to a 1973 meeting of directors and committee chairs of continuing education of priests convened by the National Federation of Priests' Councils. During this meeting at the University of Notre Dame, NOCERCC (National Organization for the Continuing Education of Roman Catholic Clergy) was born, a Board of Directors was named with representation from each episcopal region, and the first president was elected.
The first representative for religious institutes with priest members was elected to the Board in 1974.
In October 1979, NOCERCC established its National Office in Chicago.
The first full-time executive director was appointed in July 1989.